High School days were full of achievements and awards. I graduated as the Class Valedictorian and garnered all the certificates of awards and 27 medals.  After I graduated high school, my mother sent me to Mindanao State University. As a freshman, I didn’t know what lies ahead of me. And as expected, there were trials that I met along the way that would test my loyalty to God. First trial came when my Math subject was scheduled every Wednesday and Saturday. Should I sacrifice my faith because of this subject? No! I prayed so hard. What I did? I asked my Professor to transfer my load to another instructor that fitted my schedule. I explained to her about how important for me to follow the Law of God. And yes, she helped me. I thought everything will be going smoothly… but I was wrong. My new Math instructor did not go to class. He was absent all the time. For the whole semester we never had a quiz nor an exam and gave me a grade of 2.25.  It was the lowest grade I got. Well, not a  big deal for me after all, but it was horrible at first! I just realized that  God wanted me accept not just big things but also to appreciate small things in this world. Life is not all about being on the top. It isn’t  about reaching the peak of worldly academic enticing titles, that would welcome pride and self-exaltation. But it is more on keeping God’s commandments and do things that are pleasing in His sight.